Document Type : Research Article


1 Lecturer of TEFL, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of TEFL, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of TEFL, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran.


Teacher training programs in EFL contexts pursue the goal of promoting teaching skills and critical dispositions in prospective and experienced teachers and their ability to reflect on and enhance their mediating roles to maximize learning outcomes. Yet, discrepancies in teachers’ roles during and after the programs are not uncommon and accentuate the need to assess outcomes. This quasi-experimental study aimedto provide research-based data on the outcomes of a 60-hour reflective task-supported (RTS) teacher training course, comprising theoretical, observational, and practicum modules, in terms of immediate and delayed changes in the mediating roles performed by 37 pre-service and 40 in-service Iranian male and female teachers. The findings obtained from the structured observation of the participants’ teaching demonstrations at the onset and the end of the study and during the first working semester were analyzed statistically through One-way repeated measures ANOVAs and indicated significant improvements in the mediating roles in both groups from the first to the second observation immediately after the training and from the immediate to the delayed observation only in the pre-service group. The findings underscore vitality of in pre-service and in-service training programs and accommodating reflective teaching and observational tasks in enhancing teaching roles.


Main Subjects

Article Title [Persian]

تاثیر کوتاه مدت و بلند مدت دوره‌های تربیت معلم متفکرانه و کار-محور قبل و ضمن خدمت بر نقش‌های میانجی‌گرانۀ معلمان تازه کار و با تجربه

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