Ahmadian, M., Amerian, M., & Tajabadi, A. (2014). The effect of collaborative dialogue on EFL learner’s vocabulary acquisition and retention.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 3(4), 38-45. https://doi.org/
Alegrı´a de la Colina, A., & Garcı´a Mayo, M. P. (2007). Attention to form across collaborative tasks by low-proficiency learners in an EFL setting. In M. P. Garcı´a Mayo (Ed.),
Investigating tasks in foreign language learning (pp. 91–116). Multilingual Matters.
Ameri-Golestan, A., & Nezakat-Alhossaini, M. (2017). Long-term effects of collaborative task planning vs. individual task planning on Persian-speaking EFL learners’ writing performance.
Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 8(1), 146-164. https://doi.org/
Ahmadian, M., Amerian, M., & Tajabadi, A. (2014). The effect of collaborative dialogue on EFL learner’s vocabulary acquisition and retention.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 3(4), 38-45. https://doi.org/
Alegrı´a de la Colina, A., & Garcı´a Mayo, M. P. (2007). Attention to form across collaborative tasks by low-proficiency learners in an EFL setting. In M. P. Garcı´a Mayo (Ed.),
Investigating tasks in foreign language learning (pp. 91–116). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/
Ameri-Golestan, A., & Nezakat-Alhossaini, M. (2017). Long-term effects of collaborative task planning vs. individual task planning on Persian-speaking EFL learners’ writing performance.
Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 8(1), 146-164. https://doi.org/
Anggraini, R., Rozimela, Y., & Anwar, D. (2020). The effects of collaborative writing on EFL learners’ writing skills and their perception of the strategy.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(2), 335-341. https://dx.doi.org/
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Irvine, C. K. S., & Walker, D. (2019). Introduction to research in education. Cengage Learning.
Brooks, C. M., & Ammons, J. L. (2003). Free riding in group projects and the effects of timing, frequency, and specificity of criteria in peer assessments.
Journal of Education for Business, 78(5), 268-272. https://doi.org/
Brown, J. D., & Bailey, K. M. (1985). A categorical instrument for scoring second language writing skills. Language Learning, 34, 21-38. https://doi.org/
Bygate, M., Skehan, P., & Swain, M. (2001). Introduction. In M. Bygate, P. Skehan, & M. Swain (Eds.),
Researching pedagogic tasks: Second language learning, teaching and testing (pp. 1-20). Pearson. https://doi.org/
Carless, D. (2004). Issues in teachers’ reinterpretation of a task-based innovation in primary schools.
TESOL Quarterly, 38 (4), 639-62. https://doi.org/
Council of Europe (2009). Intergovernmental Policy Forum: “The Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) and the development of language policies: Challenges and responsibilities”.
Conzemius, A., & O'neill, J. (2001). Building shared responsibility for student learning. ASCD.
Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. SAGE.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson.
Dobao, A. F., & Blum, A. (2013). Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners’ attitudes and perceptions.
System, 41(2), 365-378. https://doi.org/
Dobao, A. F. (2012). Collaborative writing tasks in the L2 classroom: Comparing group, pair, and individual work.
Journal of Second Language Writing. 21, 40–58. https://doi.org/
Donato, R. (1994). Collective scaffolding in second language learning. In J. Lantolf & G. Appel (Eds.), Vygotskian approaches to second language research (pp. 33-56). Ablex.
Doughty, C., & Williams, J. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R., & Shintani, N. N. (2014).
Exploring language pedagogy through second language acquisition research. Routledge. https://doi.org/
Elola, I., & Oskoz, A. (2010). Collaborative writing: Fostering foreign language and writing conventions development.
Language Learning and Technology,
14 (3), 51 – 71. Learning & Technology
Groenke, S. L. (2007). Collaborative dialogue in a synchronous CMC environment? A look at one beginning English teacher’s strategies. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 24(2), 41-47.
Hani-Yan, M. (2014). The task-based teaching of writing to big classes in Chinese EFL setting.
English Language Teaching, 7(3), 63-70. https://dx.doi.org/
Khodabakhshzadeh, H., & Samadi, F. (2017). The effect of collaborative writing on Iranian EFL learners’ task achievement in writing and their perception.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 7(1), 113-119. https://dx.doi.org/
Khodamoradi, A., Iravani, H., & Jafarigohar, M. (2013). The effect of teacher’s scaffolding and peers’ collaborative dialogue on the acquisition of English tenses in the Zone of Proximal Development: A sociocultural perspective. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2(2s), 336-346.
Kim, Y., & McDonough, K. (2008). The effect of interlocutor proficiency on the collaborative dialogue between Korean as a second language learners.
Language Teaching Research,
12(2), 211-234. https://doi.org/
Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural theory and second language learning. Oxford University Press.
Lantolf, J. P., & Thorne, S. L. (2006). Sociocultural theory and the genesis of second language development. Oxford University Press.
MacIntyre, P. (2002). Motivation, anxiety and emotion in second language acquisition. In P. Robinson (Ed.),
Individual differences and instructed language learning (pp. 45-68). John Benjamins Publishing. https://doi.org/
McLaughlin, B., Rossman, T., & McLeod, B. (1983). Second language learning: An information-processing perspective.
Language Learning, 33(2), 135–158. https://doi.org/
Nassaji, H., & Tian, J. (2010). Collaborative and individual output tasks and their effects on learning English phrasal verbs.
Language Teaching Research,
14(4), 397-419. https://doi.org/
Neumann, H, & McDonough, K. (2015). Exploring student interaction during collaborative prewriting discussions and its relationship to L2 writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 27, 84–104. https://doi.org/
Pishghadam, R., Adamson, B., & Shayesteh, S. (2013). Emotion-based language instruction (EBLI) as a new perspective in bilingual education.
Multilingual Education,
3(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/
Poupore, G. (2004). Quality interaction and types of negotiation in problem-solving and jigsaw tasks. In C. Edwards & J. Willis (Eds.),
Teachers exploring tasks in English language teaching (pp. 242-255). Palgrave Macmillan. https://dx.doi.org/
Rajablou, F., & Shirvan, M. E. (2017). Iranian English language learners’ attitude towards their accent in English language: An ecological approach.
Englishes in Practice,
4(1), 1-30.
Razmjoo, S. A, & Riazi, M. (2006). Do high schools or private institutes practice communicative language teaching? A case study of Shiraz teachers in high schools and institutes. The Reading Matrix, 6(3), 340-363.
Shirbagi, N. (2010). An exploration of undergraduate students' motivation and attitudes towards English language acquisition.
Journal of Behavioural Sciences,
20(2). https://doi.org/
Storch, N. (2005). Collaborative writing: Product, process, and students’ reflections.
Journal of Second Language Writing,
14(3), 153–173. https://doi.org/
Storch, N., & Wigglesworth, G. (2007). Writing tasks: The effects of collaboration. In M. Garcı´a Mayo (Ed.),
Investigating tasks in formal language learning (pp.157–177). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/
Swain, M. (1995). Three functions of output in second language learning. Principles and practice in applied linguistics: Studies in honor of HG Widdowson, 125-144.
Swain, M. (1997). Collaborative dialogue: Its contribution to second language learning. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, (34), 115-132.
Swain, M. (1998). Focus on form through conscious reflection. In Doughty, C. and Williams, J (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 64-81). Cambridge University Press.
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2001). Focus on form through collaborative dialogue: Exploring task effects. In Bygate, M., Skehan, P., & M. Swain (Eds.), Researching pedagogic tasks: Second language learning, teaching and testing (pp. 99–118). Longman.
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2002). Talking it through: Two French immersion learners’ response to reformulation.
International Journal of Educational Research,
37(3-4), 285-304. https://doi.org/
Swain, M., & Watanabe, Y. (2013).
Languaging: Collaborative dialogue as a source of second language learning. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 3218-3225. https://doi.org/
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Interaction between learning and development. Readings on the Development of Children, 23(3), 34-41.
Watanabe, Y., & Swain, M. (2007). Effects of proficiency differences and patterns of pair interaction on second language learning: Collaborative dialogue between adult ESL learners.
Language Teaching Research,
11(2), 121-142.
Webb, N. M. (2013). Information processing approaches to collaborative learning. In C. E. Hmelo-Silver, C. A. Chinn, C. K. K. Chan, & A. O'Donnell (Eds.), The international handbook of collaborative learning (pp. 19–40). Routledge.
Wigglesworth, G., & Storch, N. (2012). Feedback and writing development through collaboration: A socio-cultural approach. In R. Mancho´n (Ed.),
L2 writing development: Multiple perspectives (pp. 69–101). De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/
Willis, J. (1996). A framework for task-based learning. Longman.
Wistner, B., Sakai, H., & Abe, M. (2009). An analysis of the Oxford Placement Test and the Michigan English Placement Test as L2 proficiency tests. Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University, 58(2), 33-44.
Yilmaz, Y. (2008). Collaborative dialogues during tasks in synchronous computer-mediated communication. Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University, College of Education.
Zeng, G., & Takatsuka, S. (2009). Text-based peer-peer collaborative dialogue in a computer-mediated learning environment in the EFL context.
37(3), 434-446. https://doi.org/
Zohrabi, M., Torabi, M. A., & Baybourdiani, P. (2012). Teacher-centered and/or student-centered learning: English language in Iran.
English Language and Literature Studies,
2(3), 18-30.
Anggraini, R., Rozimela, Y., & Anwar, D. (2020). The effects of collaborative writing on EFL learners’ writing skills and their perception of the strategy.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(2), 335-341. https://dx.doi.org/
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Irvine, C. K. S., & Walker, D. (2019). Introduction to research in education. Cengage Learning.
Brooks, C. M., & Ammons, J. L. (2003). Free riding in group projects and the effects of timing, frequency, and specificity of criteria in peer assessments.
Journal of Education for Business, 78(5), 268-272. https://doi.org/
Brown, J. D., & Bailey, K. M. (1985). A categorical instrument for scoring second language writing skills. Language Learning, 34, 21-38. https://doi.org/
Bygate, M., Skehan, P., & Swain, M. (2001). Introduction. In M. Bygate, P. Skehan, & M. Swain (Eds.),
Researching pedagogic tasks: Second language learning, teaching and testing (pp. 1-20). Pearson. https://doi.org/
Carless, D. (2004). Issues in teachers’ reinterpretation of a task-based innovation in primary schools.
TESOL Quarterly, 38 (4), 639-62. https://doi.org/
Council of Europe (2009). Intergovernmental Policy Forum: “The Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) and the development of language policies: Challenges and responsibilities”.
Conzemius, A., & O'neill, J. (2001). Building shared responsibility for student learning. ASCD.
Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. SAGE.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson.
Dobao, A. F., & Blum, A. (2013). Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners’ attitudes and perceptions.
System, 41(2), 365-378. https://doi.org/
Dobao, A. F. (2012). Collaborative writing tasks in the L2 classroom: Comparing group, pair, and individual work.
Journal of Second Language Writing. 21, 40–58. https://doi.org/
Donato, R. (1994). Collective scaffolding in second language learning. In J. Lantolf & G. Appel (Eds.), Vygotskian approaches to second language research (pp. 33-56). Ablex.
Doughty, C., & Williams, J. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R., & Shintani, N. N. (2014).
Exploring language pedagogy through second language acquisition research. Routledge. https://doi.org/
Elola, I., & Oskoz, A. (2010). Collaborative writing: Fostering foreign language and writing conventions development.
Language Learning and Technology,
14 (3), 51 – 71. Learning & Technology
Groenke, S. L. (2007). Collaborative dialogue in a synchronous CMC environment? A look at one beginning English teacher’s strategies. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 24(2), 41-47.
Hani-Yan, M. (2014). The task-based teaching of writing to big classes in Chinese EFL setting.
English Language Teaching, 7(3), 63-70. https://dx.doi.org/
Khodabakhshzadeh, H., & Samadi, F. (2017). The effect of collaborative writing on Iranian EFL learners’ task achievement in writing and their perception.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 7(1), 113-119. https://dx.doi.org/
Khodamoradi, A., Iravani, H., & Jafarigohar, M. (2013). The effect of teacher’s scaffolding and peers’ collaborative dialogue on the acquisition of English tenses in the Zone of Proximal Development: A sociocultural perspective. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2(2s), 336-346.
Kim, Y., & McDonough, K. (2008). The effect of interlocutor proficiency on the collaborative dialogue between Korean as a second language learners.
Language Teaching Research,
12(2), 211-234. https://doi.org/
Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural theory and second language learning. Oxford University Press.
Lantolf, J. P., & Thorne, S. L. (2006). Sociocultural theory and the genesis of second language development. Oxford University Press.
MacIntyre, P. (2002). Motivation, anxiety and emotion in second language acquisition. In P. Robinson (Ed.),
Individual differences and instructed language learning (pp. 45-68). John Benjamins Publishing. https://doi.org/
McLaughlin, B., Rossman, T., & McLeod, B. (1983). Second language learning: An information-processing perspective.
Language Learning, 33(2), 135–158. https://doi.org/
Nassaji, H., & Tian, J. (2010). Collaborative and individual output tasks and their effects on learning English phrasal verbs.
Language Teaching Research,
14(4), 397-419. https://doi.org/
Neumann, H, & McDonough, K. (2015). Exploring student interaction during collaborative prewriting discussions and its relationship to L2 writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 27, 84–104. https://doi.org/
Pishghadam, R., Adamson, B., & Shayesteh, S. (2013). Emotion-based language instruction (EBLI) as a new perspective in bilingual education.
Multilingual Education,
3(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/
Poupore, G. (2004). Quality interaction and types of negotiation in problem-solving and jigsaw tasks. In C. Edwards & J. Willis (Eds.),
Teachers exploring tasks in English language teaching (pp. 242-255). Palgrave Macmillan. https://dx.doi.org/
Rajablou, F., & Shirvan, M. E. (2017). Iranian English language learners’ attitude towards their accent in English language: An ecological approach.
Englishes in Practice,
4(1), 1-30.
Razmjoo, S. A, & Riazi, M. (2006). Do high schools or private institutes practice communicative language teaching? A case study of Shiraz teachers in high schools and institutes. The Reading Matrix, 6(3), 340-363.
Shirbagi, N. (2010). An exploration of undergraduate students' motivation and attitudes towards English language acquisition.
Journal of Behavioural Sciences,
20(2). https://doi.org/
Storch, N. (2005). Collaborative writing: Product, process, and students’ reflections.
Journal of Second Language Writing,
14(3), 153–173. https://doi.org/
Storch, N., & Wigglesworth, G. (2007). Writing tasks: The effects of collaboration. In M. Garcı´a Mayo (Ed.),
Investigating tasks in formal language learning (pp.157–177). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/
Swain, M. (1995). Three functions of output in second language learning. Principles and practice in applied linguistics: Studies in honor of HG Widdowson, 125-144.
Swain, M. (1997). Collaborative dialogue: Its contribution to second language learning. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, (34), 115-132.
Swain, M. (1998). Focus on form through conscious reflection. In Doughty, C. and Williams, J (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 64-81). Cambridge University Press.
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2001). Focus on form through collaborative dialogue: Exploring task effects. In Bygate, M., Skehan, P., & M. Swain (Eds.), Researching pedagogic tasks: Second language learning, teaching and testing (pp. 99–118). Longman.
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2002). Talking it through: Two French immersion learners’ response to reformulation.
International Journal of Educational Research,
37(3-4), 285-304. https://doi.org/
Swain, M., & Watanabe, Y. (2013).
Languaging: Collaborative dialogue as a source of second language learning. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 3218-3225. https://doi.org/
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Interaction between learning and development. Readings on the Development of Children, 23(3), 34-41.
Watanabe, Y., & Swain, M. (2007). Effects of proficiency differences and patterns of pair interaction on second language learning: Collaborative dialogue between adult ESL learners.
Language Teaching Research,
11(2), 121-142.
Webb, N. M. (2013). Information processing approaches to collaborative learning. In C. E. Hmelo-Silver, C. A. Chinn, C. K. K. Chan, & A. O'Donnell (Eds.), The international handbook of collaborative learning (pp. 19–40). Routledge.
Wigglesworth, G., & Storch, N. (2012). Feedback and writing development through collaboration: A socio-cultural approach. In R. Mancho´n (Ed.),
L2 writing development: Multiple perspectives (pp. 69–101). De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/
Willis, J. (1996). A framework for task-based learning. Longman.
Wistner, B., Sakai, H., & Abe, M. (2009). An analysis of the Oxford Placement Test and the Michigan English Placement Test as L2 proficiency tests. Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University, 58(2), 33-44.
Yilmaz, Y. (2008). Collaborative dialogues during tasks in synchronous computer-mediated communication. Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University, College of Education.
Zeng, G., & Takatsuka, S. (2009). Text-based peer-peer collaborative dialogue in a computer-mediated learning environment in the EFL context.
37(3), 434-446. https://doi.org/
Zohrabi, M., Torabi, M. A., & Baybourdiani, P. (2012). Teacher-centered and/or student-centered learning: English language in Iran.
English Language and Literature Studies,
2(3), 18-30.