Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2021)
Volume 8 (2020)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2018)
Volume 5 (2017)
Volume 4 (2016)
Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2014)
Volume 1 (2013)

JALDA's Statistics up to the Present

Number of Volumes 12
Number of Issues 24
Number of Articles 295
Number of Contributors 410
Article View 237,932
PDF Download 211,024
View Per Article 806.55
PDF Download Per Article 715.34
Number of Submissions 733
Rejected Submissions 442
Accepted Submissions 220
Acceptance Rate 30
Accept Date (Days) 133
Number of Indexing Databases 17
Number of Reviewers 216


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Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Teaching Style Preferences as a Function of Self-Efficacy, Emotion Regulation, Reflective Teaching, and Mindfulness in Teaching: A Voice from an EFL Context

Ehsan Namaziandost; Tahereh Heydarnejad; Afsheen Rezai

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 1-29


  The mental health of teachers is an important issue in education. However, few studies have examined how self-efficacy (S-E), emotion regulation (ER), reflective teaching (RT), and mindfulness in teaching (MT) affect teachers' teaching style (TS). This study aimed to explore the correlation between S-E, ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
The Intervention of Criteria-Referenced Self-Assessment in Developing the Accuracy, Lexical Resource, and Coherence of Advanced Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing: Shared vs. Independent Tasks

Sanaz Sabermoghaddam Roudsari; Behrooz Azabdaftari; Zohreh Seifoori

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 31-58


  A controversial issue in language teaching is the extent to which engaging learners in the learning process may enhance various aspects of learners’ writing. The current study set out to examine the impact of employing evaluation rubrics as self-assessment devices on advanced EFL learners’ ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
The Effect of Global Digital Citizenship Education on Intercultural Communicative Competence and Learners’ Perceptions

Parviz Ajideh; Mohammad Zohrabi; Roqayeh Mohammad Pour

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 59-86


  Misuse of technology and lack of enough skill and knowledge about using technological devices may lead to several complications; thus, it could appear mandatory to offer citizenship education and digital knowledge. Hence, individuals are expected to gain the knowledge about their position in the world ...  Read More

Research Article 2. Applied Linguistics (Inspirations from neighbor disciplines)
Structural and Functional Differences of Lexical Bundles Between Hard Science and Soft Science Researchers: A Comparative Corpus-Driven Study

Ali Alizadeh; Davud Kuhi; Yaser Hadidi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 87-114


  Lexical bundles, recurrent word combinations serving essential discourse functions, have gained prominence in the realm of academic writing. A novel perspective that bridges their functional significance and formulaic nature is promising for uncovering intricate features within these recurring language ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
The Call to Teacher Aegis: Investigating the Relationship Between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Engagement in Reflective Practices and Their Immunity

Shahab Moradkhani; Maryam Salari

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 115-138


  It is utterly proclaimed that the effectiveness of teachers in their professional roles is deeply intertwined with psycho-emotional constructs such as reflective practice and immunity. Given the notable significance and scarcity of research on the correlation between reflective practices and immunity ...  Read More

Review Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Text Shapers in English for Research Publication Purposes: An Overview of Their Practices and Services

Farzane Deliery Moghadam; Javad Gholami

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 139-160


  Publishing research in English poses linguistic challenges for non-native English speaker scholars (NNSS). To prepare their manuscripts for submission, peer review, and post-acceptance stages, they may receive linguistic assistance and editing from different individuals, such as field specialists or ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Sense of Self-Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Iranian EFL Teachers

Sasan Baleghizadeh; Arman Jula

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 161-194


  The present study sought to explore the predicting power of sense of self-efficacy (SE) and emotional intelligence (EI) on the Iranian EFL teachers’ job satisfaction (JS). To this end, 125 EFL teachers were selected from private language institutes. The participants were asked to complete three ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Developing and Validating a Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Questionnaire for Iranian EFL Teacher Education Programs: A Glocal Approach

Abbas Mehrbakhsh; Gholam-Reza Abbasian; Mojtaba Mohammadi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 195-220


  Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is both decisive—as it helps to formulate and present subject matters—and glocally relative as it is prone to the specificity of curricula of varying socio-cultural contexts. This study developed and validated a PCK questionnaire by focusing on data obtained ...  Read More

Research Article 3. Applied Literature
A Dialectical Reading of David Hare’s Plenty

Hossein Davari; Samira Sasani

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 221-236


  Exposing the concealed truth beneath the ideological appearance lies at the heart of the anti-capitalist plays written in the 20th century. Hare (1978) aspired to fulfil this social function by writing one of his masterpieces, Plenty. In this play, Hare creates a milieu of the clash between the main ...  Read More

Research Article 3. Applied Literature
A Study of Ecological Ethics in Ursula Le Guin's The Word for the World is Forest

Alireza Soleimani; Maghsoud Esmaili Kordlar; Bahloul Salmani

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 237-248


   Guin’s (1972) The Word for the World Is Forest was written when the social awareness against all forms of dystopian values such as rational dualistic values, patriarchal hierarchy, anthropocentric instrumentality, and all forms of oppression and exploitation was promoted by modern ecological ...  Read More

Research Article 4. Dynamics between Applied Studies on Language and Literature
Mastering the “Term of Art”: Linguistic Avoidance in David Mamet’s Oleanna

Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Nejhad; Reza Bagheri Nevisi; Arezoo Bahadori Moghaddam

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 249-266


  Many critics have read David Mamet’s (1993) Oleanna as a locale for issues of gender, misogyny, and sexual harassment. Another group, however, believe that it is the potentials of language and its manipulation which are central to the play, which need to be delved into. In line with the latter ...  Read More

Research Article 3. Applied Literature
“Nothing Worth Making, Nothing Worth Knowing”: A Deleuzeoguattarian Reading of Science and Morality in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle

Mohammad Ghaffary; Sara Karimi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 267-280


  In the wake of WWII, how far science and technology may advance and the ethical responsibilities they bring became prominent problematics in philosophy and literature, including Kurt Vonnegut’s novels, particularly Cat’s Cradle (1963), a work of post-apocalyptic science fiction that intriguingly ...  Read More

Book Review
Book Review: "Intercultural Competence and Pragmatics"

Yunes Azizian

Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 294-297


  Intercultural Competence and Pragmatics, divided into nine illuminating chapters, examines the critical link between intercultural competence (IC) and pragmatics through the lens of modern foreign language teachers in higher education. The author surveyed instructors teaching a diverse array of languages, ...  Read More

Persian Abstracts
Abstracts in Persian, 12(2)
Volume 12, Issue 2 , October 2024, Pages 285-296

  Please download the attached file to see the Persian abstracts of Volume 12, Issue 1.  Read More

4. Dynamics between Applied Studies on Language and Literature
Procrastination in Language Learning Process: A Constructive Strategy or Merely a Destructive Time Loss?

Saber Khooei-Oskooei; Saeideh Ahangari; Zohreh Seifoori

Volume 9, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 243-259


  Many individuals fail to perform the responsibilities devolved to them within the expected time or at least do them near the deadline. The so-called procrastination in accomplishment of academic tasks has often been considered a frustrating phenomenon which commonly results in undesirable outcomes. However, ...  Read More

3. Applied Literature
A Research on Language and Gender in Shabhaye Tehran (Nights of Tehran) and Azadarane Bayal (Mourners of Bayal) Novels Based on Lakoff's Theory

Shirzad Tayefi

Volume 9, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 227-241


  Many experts believe that there are differences between female and male language (speech) and writing. In this article female and male language (speech) in novels, Shabhaye Tehran (Nights of Tehran) written by GhazalehAlizadeh and AzadaraneBayal (Mourners of Bayal) written by Gholam Hossein Saedi, have ...  Read More

3. Applied Literature
Kitchen Sink Drama and Naturalism: Trends of Post-War English Theatre

Nazila Heidarzadegan; Zeynep Kurt Yildiz

Volume 8, Issue 1 , April 2020, , Pages 139-149


  The present paper studies Kitchen Sink Drama and Naturalism to investigate how a cultural movement through which artists like Arnold Wesker, John Osborne, and Shelagh Delaney express their disillusionment during the post-war period representing the reality of their lives via theatre. The period of 1956–1965 ...  Read More

1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
A Study of the Effect of Extensive and Intensive Listening on the Tense Use among EFL Learners in Iran

Sahar Ahmadpour; Hassan Asadollahfam

Volume 6, Issue 2 , September 2018, , Pages 141-161


  The present study investigated the effect of extensive and intensive listening on the accuracy of tense use among EFL learners in Iran. It was based on pre-test post-test with intact classes. According to the purpose of the study, a sample (n = 60) of homogeneous participants were selected. From among ...  Read More

1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Introvert and Extrovert EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate and Ambiguity Tolerance

Mohammad Ahmadi Safa; Roya Zamani Jamshidi

Volume 5, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 27-41


  Abstract The researchers have been interested to explore the impact of personality traits on second or foreign language learning. The current study is an attempt to investigate whether there exists a statistically significant relationship between introvert and extrovert EFL learners’ willingness ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Flipped Instruction and Its Potential to Control Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Through Shad Application

Mahmoud Nabilou; Abbas Ali Zarei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 August 2024


  Flipped instruction has been shown to be effective in improving learning. However, this improvement might come at a cost. Since the responsibility for preparing is shifted to students, there is also a risk of augmenting learners’ anxiety. This study was an attempt to check the effects of flipped ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Willingness to Communicate and Action Control Among Iranian EFL Learners

Parisa Rajabi; Farhad Mazlum; Mahdi Dasta

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 July 2024


  Given the key role communication plays in L2 learning, studies addressing students’ (un)willingness to communicate (WTC) and factors contributing to it are of pedagogical and theoretical relevance. Although studies on Iranian students’ WTC and its relationship with different variables are ...  Read More

Research Article 1. Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching and Learning)
Investigating the Effect of Strategic Planning on the High Working Memory Upper- Intermediate EFL Learners’ Lexical Complexity of Descriptive and Argumentative Writings

Farahman Farrokhi; Yaser Hadidi; Parya Tadayyon

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 September 2024


  Considering the overwhelming nature of Pre-Task Planning (PTP) in writing for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of a factor of PTP called Strategic Planning (SP) on lexical complexity of Iranian EFL learners. The data collection procedure ...  Read More

Call for Papers

JALDA is publishing articles in:
Applied Linguistics
Applied Literature
Applied Studies on Dynamics between language and literature

A Sample JALDA Article Using Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

Behin, B. (2019).What is Applied Literature?. Journal of Applied Literature and Applied Linguistics: Dynamics and Advances,7(1), 21-33. https://dx.doi.org/10.22049/jalda.2019.26629.1138

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